Friday, March 2, 2007

IT as a marketing tool for fund raising

I know information technology (IT) directly influence business policies to achieve various objectives. But what about it's influence on non government organizations (NGO) for fund raising.

We should remember one most important fact, NGO has low funds to spend in IT.

Yesterday, I got a newsletter from a technical community to participate on this topic. After reading the content I realized that the newsletter very much helped to spread the word. Ting ting ... after all it is using email as a medium to communicate. IT helps, that's what I think.

Furthermore, NGO can use various other website as a medium to spread a word. Yes, a banner would do a lot. With a rise of audio and visual media in the Internet domain, the NGO can use YouTube, for an example, to directly communicate with the viewer. United Way of Canada has used this technique. Here is a link to their advertisement.

In large scale, I would suggest data mining and analysis methodologies. One particular example would be to build a model to list potential donors, in other words segmentation. An introduction of a project which I did during my school years for knowledge and data mining course can also be taken as an example.

Apart from it what other methods are there?

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